Well, I dont think you could get a better perspective of how things are on main street than on main street. I live with the struggles and challenges of operating a small business every day from AJ's Cafe. And, I see and hear the concerns of people from all walks of life who come in and share with me their ideas, hopes and dreams.
What's more, I see how talented, creative and hard working they are. They've worked with me and , instead of moaning and groaning and sitting on their asses complaining, they've actually helped me to do something about it. Our Guinness world record for concert longevity (288 hours, with a 362 hour concert pending approval) is about as hard as anything I've ever been a part of. But you know, we did it! Those concerts are bigger than any one of us. But, because we all banded together and put our collective voices together to speak as on strong voice. The underlying message: We are a part of a strong, talented , hard working, good people who have the tenacity to speak (or sing) and be heard. We don't like that our representatives have lost their way and have forgotten who they work for. It is we, the people of main street and community that are the integral link. Without us, there is no need for Wall Street or Washington. We humbly but firmly demand that our representatives in the corporate and political worlds work with us to restore the scale of our economy and our politics back to main street and community, where it belongs.
I believe as much as anyone, I qualify!
Please get on the line and join us! www.assemblylineparty.com