Friday, May 21, 2010
Thought for the day May 21
The time has arrived when the buying power of each citizen can show the way back.
Corporations hire foreign labor to manufacture things at a less expensive price because there is a market to sell these goods, the "market" being the vast majority of citizens who blindly purchase goods, say shoes for example; from the major retailers nation wide.
They would not do this if there were no market for the good.
The time has come to look at the big picture. Do everything you can to not blindly purchase what the corporations have produced, rather let corporations produce what we, the domestic producer who is the consumer wants.
Places where you can purchase "Made in the USA" shoes.
Thanks Alan Benchich!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thought For The Day May 20
Been away fro a few days. Been Busy!
Here's a vision.
I want everyone to take there shoes off at 2pm on Sept. 14! Why? Read this and see!
In 2009, to raise awareness for laid off Detroit auto workers, I hosted a Guinness world record event in my café’ for the, "Longest continuous musical concert." The event caused an incredible outpouring of Main Street support. Hundreds of Detroit musical acts graced my modest open mic stage, and when all was sung and done, “Main Street” had set a new Guinness world record! “The Assembly Line Concert" continued for a whopping 288 non-stop hours! The official Guinness certificate proudly hangs in our little café.
To show that the Main Street spirit in Detroit is still strong, we held a second concert this year. Called, "Assembly Line II; Second Shift" Detroit broke its own record by 25 hours and now awaits Guinness confirmation to make the new record official.
As the owner of AJ’s, I've come to know many men and women of our area, their families and neighbors. One common theme I hear over and over again is that it seems like no one hears them. They grapple with who is speaking for them on just the very basic issue of their jobs and livelihood.
I've been pondering how to bring their message across in a substantial way.
The stories and efforts of Michiganders are among the most moving anywhere in the world. The spirit here is just so unbelievably strong. Think about this, through all we’ve been through together, our spirit is still so very strong! The people I meet every day, in my little café, compel me to push onward and try to make a difference. You make me realize that while we have a lot to do, we will pull together and make things better.
Here in Michigan, we know that manufacturing is the backbone of our economy. When we talk about it, most of us agree. But, the issue, as I see it, is that Americans are not BRINGING the conversation to the forefront. MANUFACTURING IS THE BACKBONE OF OUR ECONOMY!!! So the next question is, HOW DO WE STRENGTHEN OUR BACKBONE? What will our politicians and business leaders do about it?
I believe that Manufacturing is the backbone of our economy and that “Cross Trickle Economics” is the best economic model for a strong economy and is based on two ideals: First, that “Trickle Down Economics” has failed main street. Second, that Cross Trickle Economics supports local, domestic business first and foremost.
Cross-trickle economics: the relationship between the producer/ employee who is also the consumer; and the business entity/ corporation, who is also the employer.
Read more on cross-trickle economics :
(thought for the day April,28)
To raise awareness, I am also proposing two additional ideas:
1) A proposition that September 14*, 2010 be known as: "National Domestic Manufacturing Day". This will lend awareness and attention to "all things domestically manufactured."
2) To observe and honor domestic manufacturing, a proposal that also on this date, September 14, 2010, at 2:00 pm, people take a minute to find out where your shoes were made. We ask that people simply remove their shoes and look for a “Made in______” label, or even Google it to find out. We will ask for you to send us your findings and we’ll publish the results.
Please help us put domestic manufacturing back into the forefront of the American discussion on job creation, won’t you please? Blog on and join the conversation!“The Assembly Line Party” at http://www.assemblylineparty.
Kindest regards,
*This date carries significance in American history. September 14, 1814 is the day that our National Anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner" was written by Francis Scott Key, having been inspired by the defense of Baltimore over foreign invasion.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thought for the day May 10
"Pure Michigan" is the "brand" and advertising campaign for promoting tourism in Michigan. Our state is blessed with unimaginable beauty on land and water, from the Great Lakes, as well as thousands of inland waterways. We have been a destination for millions, particularly in- state, as well as regionally for decades.
Much of the increase in Michigan's tourism numbers are attributed to advertising. The award winning "Pure Michigan" spots are now seen nationally. I agree, they are very well done. Studies have shown that over $2.00 come into our state for every $1.00 spent on advertising. The numbers seem to show that advertising is a good investment..
The conference took place on the beautiful and historic Mackinac Island. This auto-less, horse and buggy town is known for its simplistic ways and turn-of-the-century feel. It's slogan "where time stands still" is a perfect model for "cross- trickle" economics.
The Assembly Line Party is seeking to implement a study which will show how the domestic manufacturing industry is integral to the economies of every town throughout the USA, simply by entering the town's zip code.
Under The ALP ctdm (cross trickle domestic manufacturing) map, If I entered the zip code of Mackinac Island., 49757, it would probably show that nearly 100% of employment on the island comes from tourism.
Everything M.I., MI. is about tourism. Lets run my vacation as an example.
Firstly, I drove 300 miles in my domestic, Detroit-born auto through Michigan to get to Mackinaw City, at the tip of the lower peninsula. From there, I took a ferry ride over to the Island . I landed at the pier where I took a horse drawn taxi to the beautiful Grand Hotel. I stayed at the hotel where I attended speeches and seminars, ate, slept in a clean room, watched a little tv...I went into town where I bought souvenirs, ate, took a tour, rented a bike...
All of these activities had employees to perform a function or supply the good that I purchased. I spent my money to support the sole industry in that town. This money was regenerated into the local M.I. economy by the hotel, taxi company, bike rental store, gift shop and restaurant employees. The people who work on the island that provided me with what I bought, reinvested in their community with their own living expanses; food, clothing, shelter, recreation, health care...
But where did my money come from? This, after all made my stay possible, propelling the entire flow of money.
Well, I got my money from saving what was left after I had paid my bills (in a perfect world!). Essentially, my money was generated from the customers that ate and drank in my cafe in Detroit (Ferndale). They got their money to buy my food and drink from their salary. They may have worked in one of our automobile assembly line plants, or for a supplier, truck driver, sales person... any one of the myriad of jobs that are a result of the domestic auto and manufacturing industry.
A moral of the story? The auto-less, bygone days tourist town of Mackinac Island, Michigan, zip code 49757 would be nothing more than an historical blip on the map, were it not for the domestic auto and manufacturing industry, born downstate in Detroit.
Mackinaw City on the mainland would likely be a lovely fishing town of a few hundred people, if not for the residual effect of being the gathering point of thousands of autos and buses that bring all of the tourists to their town to catch the ferry that takes them to the island.
Bottom line:
The flow of tourism dollars and the generating employment is a direct result of domestic manufacturing.
Just ask MI, MI.
Follow the trail
How does the domestic manufacturing industry affect you, your profession and your town?
See if you can "follow the trail" from where the money starts and how it becomes what's in "your wallet."
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Thought for the day May 5
Ernie was a friend of mine. I am one of the fortunate of many, many others who had a personal relationship with him, not for any other reason than a man who, despite his stature, reached out to help me. I will forever have your example of kindness and humilty to carry with me as I live my days here on Earth.
Note* I'll be out of town until Sunday, May 9. I'll know more later on whether I can contribute to this column while I'm away!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
I applaud the celebration of of a rich culture and heritage.
The Latino community of The United States should be embraced and as any immigrant heritage. A people and a culture should be a shining example of the greatness of America.
The "idea" that is The United States should always be about the opportunities all people are afforded, that is the right to make a living and provide a home where the rights of our citizens , those inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are never given preferred status to anyone.
The need for "assimilation", that is the melding of ones history and custom into the custom and heritage of the country in which one chooses to live make for a sound argument.
Reconcilling customs and ways of life to fit into the best for a society as a whole is a good thing, provided it be reasonable and without undue hardship to someone.
It must be always an intolerable action to discriminate for prejudice to any person. Our society as a whole deserves no less.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Thought for the day, May 4
I hate this thing. I hate that we live in a world dominated by crude oil. The growth of nations lay in its ability to mine or obtain crude.
While I preach the virtues of the domestic manufacturing industry, maintaining that this is the backbone of our economy; while I advocate the virtues of buying the domestic, Detroit-born automobile, the impact of our reliance on crude oil is not what the Assembly Line Party sees for the future.
Something to consider:
According to the DOE, coal gasification is already in its first stages of commercially viable application. The DOE is now studying the future gasification concepts and looking at the ways the process can be improved, in terms of costs, technology, emissions- capture, efficiencies and fuel flexibility. The DOE’s research, for example, is now suggesting that the same gasification process being used for coal could also be used – with a few modifications – to produce usable fuels from other feedstocks, like biomass, municipal waste, solid waste – or a combination of feedstocks.
While quite possibly not the final answer, the philosophy of common sense holds this idea to have merit for several reasons:
!. At $3.00 per gallon, crude oil is on par to be relatively equal to the price of syngas (coal/gas)
2. Coal is in abundant supply domestically (and world wide) meaning that we become more fully engaged in cross-trickle economics, the effect of which can offset any nominal cost differences.
3. The need to retrofit current combustible engine automobiles is not necessary.
4. The effect of cross trickle economics would leave more funding available to further the progress of the next generation of cars, which would move in the direction of green, alternative fuel sources, dictated by the market. We hold all of the power of this direction with our buying power!
5. Statistics show (DOE) that Co2 emissions would be cut by 20% due mainly to the reduction of fuel expenditure in crude oil transportation costs.
6. It would employ a lot of people in the USA and propel the mandates set forth by the Assembly Line Party, namely the right for a fair-living wage, as well as the ability to become the producer/consumer part of the cross trickle economy at a rapid rate.
Something to "argue!"
Monday, May 3, 2010
Thought for the day May 3
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Thought for the day, May 2
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thought for the day May 1
The Assembly Line Party at 2 weeks.
The Assembly Line Party believes:
1. The domestic manufacturing industry is the backbone of the American economy.
All other sectors of the economy,: Construction, Trade, transportation, utilities, Information,Finance, Professional and business services, Education and health services, Leisure and hospitality, as well as Government are directly related to domestic manufacturing.
2. The correct economic system is a "Cross-Trickle" economy. Cross-trickle economics is defined as the relationship between the producer / consumer and the employer/ business entity.
A. The producer is also the wage earner, who is also the consumer. These citizens make up the vast majority of the workforce of the United States
B. The employer is also the business entity: corporations or companies, including all economic sectors named above.
Our economy is at optimal strength when the producer/ consumer can purchase the goods made by the business entity, to which they are employed.
3. It is not good business practice, nor is it morally correct and lacks common sense to hire workers from foreign lands at the expense of cheaper short term production costs by replacing a domestic producer, who is also the consumer.
4. Under the Assembly Line Party, the right to a fair, living wage is inalienable. No other outside interest may supersede this.
5. Under the Assembly Line Party, all elected government officials are "peoples lobbyists." No other outside interest may supersede this.
6. Under the Assembly Line Party, Therefore, the responsibility of a government is to be the fiduciary representative of the citizenry. The mandate of laws that protect a citizens right to earn a fair, living wage are in the best interest of the nation as a whole and should be the irrevocable premise from which all law is enacted.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Parallels in the fall of the Roman empire to the possible demise of
the United States is a popular comparison. I read of multitudes of
reasons why historians, for thousands of years have found the fall of
Rome a fascinating subject.
Suffice to say, there is no one theory on the fall of the Roman Empire
that can hold up as absolute. Many valid points are hypothesized, but
no one theory has held up as "the smoking gun," even to this day.
Nonetheless, the correlation of these two Empires and the use of
"idea" when describing them is borne of the hopes and visions of our
The proclamation of the rights to all citizens that guaranteed life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness are still evolving in the USA,
234 years later. Surely, our growth and expansion has come to benefit
the nation as a whole, but at a disproportionate rate of "haves" vs
I considered the following (Wikapedia) entry as quite provocative:
Arnold J. Toynbee and James Burke
"....(the Roman) Empire could never have lasted longer than it did
without radical reforms that no Emperor could implement. The Romans
had no budgetary system and thus wasted whatever resources they had
available. The economy of the Empire was a plunder economy based on
looting existing resources rather than producing anything new. The
Empire relied on booty from conquered territories (this source of
revenue ending, of course, with the end of Roman territorial
expansion) or on a pattern of tax collection that drove small-scale
farmers into destitution (and onto a dole (welfare; aid to those in
need) that required even more exaction's upon those who could not
escape taxation), or into dependency upon a landed elite exempt from
taxation. With the cessation of tribute from conquered territories,
the full cost of their military machine had to be borne by the
An economy based upon slave labor precluded a middle class with buying
power. The Roman Empire produced few exportable goods. Material
innovation, whether through entrepreneurialism or technological
advancement, all but ended long before the final dissolution of the
Empire. Meanwhile the costs of military defense and the pomp of
Emperors continued. Financial needs continued to increase, but the
means of meeting them steadily eroded. In the end due to economic
failure, even the armor of soldiers deteriorated and the weaponry of
soldiers became so obsolete that the enemies of the Empire had better
armor and weapons as well as larger forces. The decrepit social order
offered so little to its subjects that many saw the barbarian invasion
as liberation from onerous obligations to the ruling class....."
The objective of the Assembly Line Party is to take care of our manufacturing industry and treat it as we see it, that is as the backbone of our economy and our society.
All else, other sectors of the economy, trade, foreign relations, welfare, health care, income, militray, conservation, community....grow, or not, from there.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thought for the Day , April 29
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thought for the Day April 28
Variations of cross trickle economic theory is nothing new.
What Henry also realized was that he'd need a workforce to keep up with demand. So Henry did an unprecedented thing at the time: he offered a $5.00 a-day wage.
People by the thousands came to Michigan for this. So many came that the the town of Dearborn, Michigan, founded in 1836 grew to become a town that his workforce would have a place that they could live and raise there families.
The reverberating effect was that schools, churches, saloons, barbershops, drugstores and diners and stores sprang up, each providing services, goods and jobs.
This is exactly how cross trickle economics works today.
When I hire someone to work in my cafe, they always come in on their time off and purchase something. They bring there family, friends... They are proud to work at my cafe and want to support it.
If things go bad, as they sometimes do and I have to let them go, I never see them again. They don't come back to buy my goods and neither do their friends and family.
I may not have replaced their job with that of a foreign entity, but the similarity is the loss of the cross trickle economic system,
What cross trickle economics do you practice?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
TFTD April 27
Manufacturing is the backbone of our economy. All other sectors of the economy are a derivative of manufacturing.
In a capitalist society, the proper logic of successful manufacturing is in the marketability of the goods produced. Therefore, the marktplace can be defined as the arena where the manufactured goods, and their interconnected services, are purchased.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thought For The day, April 26
300 South Westnedge Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49007-4686
My name is AJ O'Neil and I own AJ's Cafe in Ferndale , Mi. Our cafe holds the Guinness world record for the longest continuous concert. Our 288 hour non - stop "Assembly Line Concert" set the record last year as an awareness campaign to the virtues of the domestic automobile industry here in Detroit.
We held the "Second Shift Concert" earlier this year and eclipsed our existing record. Pending Guinness approval., we will hold the record at 313 hours, non-stop.
What I learned from the concert was from a "main street" perspective. I had so much real data and stories to relate to. I recently, after much consideration, started a political party. Called The Assembly Line Party (ALP) I hold this as my main vision :
The domestic manufacturing sector is the backbone of our economy. We must retain the right of every citizen to have a decent wage job.
I maintain this premise, "we are all in this together." What I have done is come up with "cross - trickle economic theory." Cross-trickle economic theory holds that the proper relationship in a capitalist society as the United States would be that of "consumer/producer to business entity."
Plainly said, the producer of a product, i.e. the automobile assembly line worker for example is also the consumer. The people who build cars also are the people who buy them. It stands as very likely that they buy the cars they build.
This is good for the producer/consumer, and good for the employer.
However, if the employer decides that they are going to opt for a cheaper labor workforce in a foreign country at the expense of the domestic producer, they not only replace the worker, they have disrupted the cross-trickle economic system that reverberates all the way through our economy.
(Please see www.assemblylineparty.
My request to you is this: Do you have the ability to scientifically calculate the relationship that a proper cross-trickle economic relationship has with regards to the strength (or detriment) to our economy and our employment?
Can you assist me in this?
Most kindly yours,
AJ O'Neil
AJ's cafe
240 w. 9 Mile Rd.
Ferndale, Mi. 48220
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Thought For The Day, April 25
Happy Sunday. For me, this has always been the day of reflection, rest
and family. I miss those days! I don't get them too much since a cafe
became my kid. Oh well, I aim to get back to that way of living. I
think it's very important. Anyhow, I'll be brief. I want to touch on
what I see as a "people's lobbyist."
Over 300 million of us could call ourselves citizens of the UnitedStates.
A " people's lobbyist is beholden to all of them, first and foremost. That includes all people of every race, gender, age and persuasion. It includes families, single people, people of color, and differing sexual identities. It includes every socioeconomic a political ideology, from the far left, to the far right. How can the Assembly Line Party please them all?
Obviously, we can't. But I do believe that we must have a platform and a charter which is as universally encompassing as we can be.
I have no doubt that today's politicians would in fact also call themselves "peoples lobbyist's" in there essence. They may not choose the same wording, but I'm sure that today's politicians love our country as much as anyone, and believe that they look out for the best interest of the people , as a whole.
The reality however, is that elections and re-elections mandate a schedule and itinerary which mandates a constituency. In truth, the ALP would have to be convincing in the same way. Convincing people across all "party" line that the ALP serves in the best interest of evryone is the challenge.
So, the overriding statement/ vision is this:
"The ALP believes that Manufacturing is the backbone of the economy and that cross-trickle economics (consumer/producer -- business entity relationship) is the new way of thinking.
A. Rights and safeguards have got to favor the ability of every citizen to have a fair living wage, as set forth in our original premise (see April 19 TFTD).
B. The reverberating effect on the entrepreneur, business entity, and corporation is the correct relationship that exists between the workers and the bosses; i.e. "cross-trickle economics."
Taken this ideal into account, it is my stance that the efforts and ideals of the ALP are favorable to all sides of the political ideological spectrum. The Left is given equal importance to the Right, and the Right, given equal importance to the left.
This premise has the ability to erase and erode core and fundamental differences in the 2 existing political parties that have been ingrained in the minds of politicians for generations.
We must, for the sake of our entire country never forget to begin from the simple truth that we are all Americans, firstly and foremost.
"We are all in this together."
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thought for the day, April, 24
I maintain that an export, save for the food and medical requirements of the global neighborhood be treated as a luxury. Example: My country is ergonomically sensitive and advanced to a point where millions of new vehicles need to be retrofitted to the roads that we drive to satisfy our transportation requirements.
My whole country needs the next generation of cars and we simply can't produce them fast enough. This implies that my country's manufacturing sector is at full employment and it will be the case for years to come.
A foreign land wants to go to work for us. The quality and all other aspects, fair competition, fair labor laws and such are equal to that of our country.
I say , hell yeah we can hire them! All the requirements of this are met. The mother country and our workforce have been given "peoples lobbyist" treatment. We revisit this agreement in one year. If all holds the same, we remain at full employment and the demand is still needed, we renew our "temporary foreign worker lease."
Here is another scenario. Our country is humming along. Our auto companies feel that they can compete with autos in another country. Or the foreign country wants to hire "us" to fill a need. We remain at full employment, so the best scenario for the auto company is to set up shop across the border and make the cars in the country where the demand is.
This is quite acceptable to the ALP. It is an investment, an entrepreneurial venture is a healthy thing for a company to do, having met the requirements of the well being of the domestic workforce.
Where the ALP takes issue, is the foreign workers retaining jobs to produce (manufacture) goods which are consumed by us when we are NOT at full employment. The reasoning behind the foreign workforce is now, not about a fiduciary, "cross-trickle" economic theory, rather it is one about maximizing profit and essentially greed.
Sure there are some issues that need to be worked through, but there can be no doubt as to what the motivation is behind what the ALP is advocating...
Brother Brian has a great idea. I think we can put together a "flow chart" with some data and actual visual effect to show how "cross trickle economic theory" works.!!
My stance: ALP-ers are "peoples lobbyists." Cynicism aside, we really have got to come from there. If "cross trickle economics" is the backbone of our platform, then we shall build a charter on this as our premise. Without manufacturing, whether it cars, software components, shoes, garden tools....we would have no cross trickle economics. We must advocate a strong consumer/producer-business entity relationship. Where I see things, it is in the best interest of everyone.
It's why Henry Ford, pioneer of the modern automobile assembly line had a $5 workday in the early 1900's. It was so the people he hired could ultimately buy his stuff.!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thought for the Day, April 23
All economics is in its essence "cross-trickle." "Cross-trickle economics" is defined (by me) as the relationship of producer / consumer to business entity, who are, in essence one-in-the same.
The main obstacles to full and fluid cross-trickle economics and its correct function are greed and corruption on the business entity side , (which is where "Trickle down economics" fails) along with apathy and ignorance on the producer/consumer side (which the ALP vows to do something about!)
The ingredients of greed and corruption lead to breaches in the fiduciary responsibilities of corporations (business entities) with regard to fair treatment of the workforce. Think about that, the workforce is the consumer/producer! We really are in this together.
Government, in its role, must represent and advocate this relationship as the fiduciary representative.
A fiduciary is someone who has undertaken to act for and on behalf of someone else, for a given matter of importance or circumstance, which gives rise to a relationship of trust and confidence. This should be an oath of every political office holder, in literal, as it applies to the citizenry sense. The Assembly Line Party advocates a "people's lobbyist." stance. If lobbyists are a fact of life in politics, then so be it. All ALP-ers vow to take the role of people's lobbyist from the moment they are sworn into office.
"Cross-trickle economics" is a competitive, market- oriented, capitalist foundation and system that serves the best interest of entrepreneurialism as well as being patriotic and morally correct.
In the cyclical realm of worker and consumer, what sense does it make to outsource jobs and eliminate a worker for the relative cost saving measure of hiring cheaper labor in a foreign country? A company may save in the initial investment of cheaper labor, but they have lost a member of the workforce, a consumer/producer... (a customer), and reverberating, "trickling" losses of other customers. We really are in this together.
A world economy need not be threatened by cross-trickle economic theory. A healthy nation at full employment is more apt to responsibly sell and purchase goods and services across its borders.
Cross-trickle economics promotes a healthy economy and a healthy economy promotes a contented society. It is in this coalition and cooperation that a society flourishes and grows, healthily and harmoniously. Cross trickle economics is the economic platform on which the ALP stands.
The Assembly Line Party believes that this must be our first train of thought: If you buy stuff made by us, we will have work. It is as simple as that.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Back in January of '09 a BBC reporter came into AJ's Cafe to do a
story of "the little cafe that could." The buzz leading up to our epic,
Guinness world record. 288 hour non-stop "Assembly Line Concert" was
attracting attention all over the globe.
The reporter lamented to me, off the record that she wished there was
an AJ;s cafe in her home town odf Liverpool, England. "We dont make
anything anymore, she said. All we do is service work now. Everything
you buy in my country comes from somewhere else."
The prevalent thought at the time seemed to be " what was a little,
non-corporate, mom and pop cafe trying to accomplish in bringing
together so many to sing a loooong concert as an awareness to the
virtues of supporting corporate giants, the Detroit auto industry?
This is what I said and say "We are all in this together." Just as the
auto giants here in my hometown of Detroit are the backbone, not just
of our economy, but of our communities, our very way of life, so too
are we, and collectively our communities, with our own individual
micro-economies, the backbone of the corporate engines.
You have an "assembly line" economic system whether you live in
Detroit or Des Moines, Dallas or Dayton. And it all works when we buy
the stuff we make. That is automobiles here in Detroit. Around the
country we call this the manufacturing sector.
What drives your economy?. What is the backbone of how churches,
schools, drugstores,barbershops, clinics, salons, bars, lawn
maintenance companies, homes, construction.... little cafes. I
gaurentee, much of this evolved from, and exists because of the
manufacturing industry in your area.
"We're all in this together."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Thought For The Day, April 21
That said however, the ALP wants big business to support the institution of a "displaced or dissolved worker fund" This is a matching contribution, made by both the executive and the corporation which would go into an escrow account, to be paid to displaced workers. This fund must be kept in a non-interest bearing account and can not be used for investment purposes under any circumstances, lest a vote by the labor board or its equal, approved by a vote from the workers.
This is how the fund would accrue:
These funds could be used to offset unemployment taxes and help to
dissuade companies from letting people go. It would also provide a
safety net to a worker without the average tax payer assuming as much
of these costs.
I doubt anyone making a salary of this amount would go hungry.
"We're all in this together"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Today's thought 4/20/10
A capitalist society such as we have in the United States is effective when the cycle of consumer to producer, producer to consumer is running, well like an assembly line.
Hypothetical: Jane works on the line at a domestic, Detroit auto maker at the Hamtramyk , Michigan plant. She loves her job and is a loyal employee. She, her husband, her friends, her neighbors and so on all support Jane by way of purchasing vehicles from where she works. It is simple. She produces, she and her network of friends and family consume.
But the auto maker decides that it is less expensive to take Jane's production job here in Detroit and move it to a plant in Mexico, where labor is cheaper. Jane's job, and those of the rest of her co-workers, are phased out.
Jane is sad, disgruntled and angry. She, along with her family and friends are not only displaced, they pull out of the producer to consumer cycle that has been the engine of success for the auto company, as well as Jane and, extending even further, her community.
A relative short term savings in labor cost with the auto companies decision has now become a frieght train of lost sales, lest the newly formed employee sector in Mexico is prepaed and willing to become the replacement.
This is happening all over the country.
"We're all in this together."
Outside multinational decisions with regard to labor can only be negotiated when we are domestically at FULL EMPLOYMENT. Under full employent domestiocally, these agreements can be made on a ONE YEAR LEASE , with options for renewal, based on DOMESTIC FULL EMPLOYMENT.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Assembly Line Party, 4/19/10
The Assembly Line Party (ALP) will have as its foundation these ideals:
1. As a duly elected representative of our country, all office holders are "peoples lobbyest" and can not be beholden to any other interest. The interest of the people that have elected us are of paramount importance.
2. The right of every citizen to a fair and decent wage and the right to fair and decent health care are inalienable. That is not negotiable and must supercede any multinational interest.
That is a start. I have a much more comprehensive platform written, but lets not get ahead too far. I want to hear what you think.