Monday, May 3, 2010

Thought for the day May 3

Go Blue! Go Green! Go Michigan! Go State!

Echos and chats from the crowd of almost any sporting event in my States two Big Ten schools.

On Saturday, May 1st, at the Big House, The U of M legendary football stadium, the 44th President of the United States, Barack H. Obama was the guest of honor, having accepted the schools offer to deliver the commencement speech to the class of '10.

It was, for all of its history a stirring speech. Never mind your political affiliation, as an American, this was special. I am a purist in this regard; I believe that we, as a civilized society should stand strongly behind our President as the duly elected highest representative in our land. My views, however contrary they may be should always come second to the respect deserving of a holder of elected office, especially the President.

As President Obama said in the Michigan commencement speech, we live in a land where dissent and the questioning of authority are civil rights. Disagreements, even vocal and assembled are guaranteed under the 1st amendment.

The philosophy of common sense would hold that argument and discourse are healthy means of finding truth. I submit that argument by way of debate and constructive dialogue between two dissenting views is how to reach the truth.

That is why I agree with the President when he suggests that we I listen to what the "other side" says. I want to understand where that side is coming from for the sake of sound argument on my part.

If, on the other hand I choose to name-call, yell louder, and sensationalize my "view," then I am not arguing. I am engauged in very childish, stupid and truly uneducated blather that can hardly be called arguing.

To tell you the truth, that is not worthy of discussion at any level that can lead to anything constructive.

It plays to fear and weakness and is a ploy by some in their position as politician and the media to keep people at the absolute lowest level of ignorance that they can.

And the only reason that they continue to do this is because people accept it.We turn in, we yell louder, call names and buy the sensationalism.

If we are ever to reach beyond these seemingly impenetrable impasses, we must give ourselves more credit than that. We are not that stupid and we deserve much, much, better.

I think that the "hope" that President Obama portrayed contagiously and convincingly that swept so many of us when he won the Presidential election, and became President 15 months ago has fallen victim to this mentality.

The ugly form of dissent that has come to be identified with outreaches like the Tea Party are a result from the rightful, grass-roots frustrations. However, you and I have been given a lame example of how to argue effectively, and it will get us nowhere.

What I hope for with the Assembly Line Party is to return all sides to the table to solve problems, meet challenges and reach goals by respecting what each person believes and finding truths by way of good, effective argument.

President Obama, like him or not, is our President. I think what he's saying is that it's OK to root for the home team, but the real blessing is that we have a home team.

Go Green! Go Blue!


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