Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thought For The Day, April 21

The ALP believes, "Let the exorbitant corporate salaries reign supreme." After all, a capitalist society needn't fret about government controls on this issue. (God forbid, we lose all that brain power to another country.)

That said however, the ALP wants big business to support the institution of a "displaced or dissolved worker fund" This is a matching contribution, made by both the executive and the corporation which would go into an escrow account, to be paid to displaced workers. This fund must be kept in a non-interest bearing account and can not be used for investment purposes under any circumstances, lest a vote by the labor board or its equal, approved by a vote from the workers.

This is how the fund would accrue:

These funds could be used to offset unemployment taxes and help to
dissuade companies from letting people go. It would also provide a
safety net to a worker without the average tax payer assuming as much
of these costs.

I doubt anyone making a salary of this amount would go hungry.

"We're all in this together"


  1. Dear AJ

    I have a suggestion use your high profile platform (AJ's Cafe) to stage a debate. Let the people from the working class both select and write the arguments. Take on the toughest issues and bring on the controversy. I will volunteer to both write and debate any issue any time.
    Jeff Jahr

  2. Hi Jeff,
    I am happy to facillate such a forum at AJ's. I am ready and willing!

  3. Terrific idea Jeff, I'm in!
